calgary rv trailer repair
CALL NOW: 403 919 4911

Swift RV Repairs Calgary TEAM

Our Swift RV Repairs Team, serves all communities in and around Airdrie/Calgary

Crossfield, Beiseker, Irricana, Keoma, Delacour, Dalroy, Conrich, Chestermere, Langdon, Indus, Dalemead, Strathmore, Carseland, Mossleigh, Blackie, High River, Aldersyde, Okotoks, Black Diamond, DeWinton, Turner Valley, Priddis, Bragg Creek, Redwood Meadows, Cochrane, Dogpound, and Madden.

We get you on the road again!

Our certified team of RV Technicians is ready and eager to get you on the road again. Why? Because there's one thing all our team members have in common: We love HAPPY CAMPERS! Seeing you leave for your trip with a smile on your face, makes all of us smile as well. So bring in your RV when something needs to be fixed. We promise to repair it in the least amount of time possible. Contact us today!


Dave Forrest

founder / CEO

'I have always had a passion for everything RV related.
My love for RV life started at an early age. I would help my dad hook up the travel trailer, so we could enjoy a fun weekend of camping. I recall a weekend where the furnace would not fire up and we were all preparing for a cold uncomfortable fall night. As luck would have it, there just happened to be a mobile rv repair technician in the same campground that solved the furnace problem.

Today, I still have that same passion in helping people fulfill their weekend dreams, and I have chosen to do this thru Swift RV Repairs.'

Miss Ellie


'I love chasing my tail.
Every now and then I run around the office to make sure everyone stays focused. Though the weird part is that no one is when I'm just dropping by each team member to say 'hi'. They sometimes scratch behind my ear and then I can't help but staying in the shop a bit longer than planned... How can you say 'no' to an ear scratch, right?!

One of my tasks is to protect the office but you can come in anytime during office hours and I'll be greeting you with a wagging tail!'

Marianne Forrest

Office Manager

‘Swift RV Repairs – how may I help you?
You need help and we’re here for you.

As long as I can remember I have always loved spending time in the great outdoors. Whether it was because it meant spending quality time with family members, or actually enjoying being right in the middle of nature, I have loved going from camping in small tents, large tents, tent-trailers and the jump to motorhomes and RV’s, the fun and excitement I get from that has only grown more passionate over the years. When I met Dave I was thrilled to find out we share that same passion, and the decision to start our own mobile RV Repair business was an easy one. Not being a very patient person myself, I find it paramount that our customers get the swift service and attention they deserve! We are dedicated to get you back on the road again!'


Parts and Service Manager

“Good day, this is Tony at Swift RV Repairs”

Tony began his career in the RV industry because of his love of camping and fixing things. When he learned that being an RV Technician was an accredited trade, he went to school and graduated as a Red Seal Journeyman RV Service Technician. Tony worked at many RV Dealerships as a Service Technician, Service Manager and Parts Manager.

As the RV industry started changing to permanent seasonal lots and people were selling their tow vehicles, he immediately saw that there was a need for mobile RV repairs and thus Tony’s Mobile RV Services was born.

After a 7-year successful run, Tony changed gears within the RV industry. He purchased Airdrie Canvas Tent and Awning, while creating RV skirts; he also branched more into RV awnings and other outdoor goods.

His love for BBQ and smoking meat sparked him to start a second company called BBQVille Canada. Running his own successful businesses for over 17 years, he felt it was time to sell and move onwards. 

Tony always had a relationship with us at Swift RV repairs, as we were the exclusive installer of the Airdrie Canvas insulated RV skirt and we shared business work back and forth for 10 years. When Tony recently told us that he had sold the business, we threw out our fishing line with the right bait and lo and behold: we caught him!

We are happy to have welcomed Tony as our new Parts and Service Manager. He brings lots of business and RV knowledge to the table and we know he looks forward to meeting our Swift RV customers!


Licensed and Certified RV Technician

team swift rv repairs Stacy airdrie alberta

“It's Stacy here...”

We don’t know how and why we got so lucky, but Stacy also came walking into our office one fine day, just like Mike did, resume in hand and immediately ready for a job interview!
Calm, friendly and instantly likeable, we hired him on the spot, and with good reason: he has almost 30 years of experience in the RV industry! You could say he has 'seen them all', and 'seen it all', and he doesn’t shy back from any RV repair - no matter how big or small.
Stacy is highly skilled, owned his own mobile RV repair business at one time, and worked for many RV dealerships, (both as a tech and a service writer). Yet he told us that he now was looking to get back on the tools with a smaller, yet growing company such as ours.
Well Stacy, you’ve come to the right place! Our Team has welcomed you with open arms, and we all think you are an awesome new staff member!  


Licensed and Certified RV Technician

'Hi, I'm Aaron

We believe that RV Repairs should be clear, simple, fast, and affordable.




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403 919 4911


calgary rv trailer repair
Swift RV Repairs serves the communities of Airdrie, Crossfield, Beiseker, Irricana, Keoma, Delacour, Dalroy, Conrich, Chestermere, Langdon, Indus, Dalemead, Strathmore, Carseland, Mossleigh, Blackie, High River, Aldersyde, Okotoks, Black Diamond, DeWinton, Turner Valley, Priddis, Bragg Creek, Redwood Meadows, Cochrane, Dogpound, Madden.
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